However, over the last two years, exports have dropped in value and volume, 8% and 6%, respectively. Asia, which remains the global leader in footwear exports, has seen exports fall 2% since 2010, while for the same period, Europe has gained three points and now accounts for 13.5% of world exports.A trend, which potentially indicates a renewed interest in European production, lead by nations Italy, Spain and Portugal. China, meanwhile, still represents 67.35% of global shoe exports, followed by Vietnam with 7.5% of the market share.คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง
As for imports, Asia accounts for 25.6% globally, an increase of 5% over the last ten years. This figure sits just ahead of North America with 23.9% of the import market. Accounting for 36.9% of global imports, Europe remains the leading import market for shoes. However, by country, the United States accounted for 19.6% of imports in 2016, a figure on the decline. Finally, the average price of an export is $8.84, a decrease in price of 2.3%คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. A decline over the last two years, which is partly due to a growing interest in sneakers and casual shoes, and a decline in leather footwear production, which are more expensive.* World Footwear Yearbook is a publication developed by the Portuguese footwear association APICCAPS (Portuguese Footwear, Components, Leather Goods Manufacturers’ Association).